
Stir-Fry Vegetable Mix with Noodles and Roman Seasoning 450g

Ready in 10 minut !


green beans, broccoli, corn, peppers, tomatoes, onion, pre-boiled noodles, champignons, spice mixture (sachet)


Open the packet and take out the sachet with seasoning. Pre-heat 2 spoonfuls of vegetable oil on frying pan, add the contents of the packet (without defrosting), and 2 spoonfuls of water. Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. In the final stage of frying add the spices from the sachet and stir carefully. Serve hot as a separate dish or as a side dish with meat.
Protein Available carbohydrates Total fat kcal/kj
2,0 3,3 0,3 23/120
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